
An introduction to Cryopreservation in culture collections Author: G J Morris Published by: CCAP Format; Soft Cover A4, 27 Pages ISBN: 0904282457
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An introduction to Cryopreservation in culture collections Author: G J Morris Published by: CCAP Format; Soft Cover A4, 27 Pages ISBN: 0904282457
An introduction to Cryopreservation in culture collections Author: G J Morris Published by: CCAP Format; Soft Cover A4, 27 Pages ISBN: 0904282457
Water Analysis - SP36
Equatorial Equilibrium - EE1
Measurement of Stream Water Temperature and Biological Applications to salmonid fishes, grayling and dace - OP29
Tarns of the Central Lake District
Assessing the biological quality of freshwaters: RIVPACS and other techniques - SPEC08