FBA Fellowship

Fellows of the FBA are elected in recognition of their scientific excellence in freshwater ecology and/or their high-level contribution to the understanding and management of freshwater ecosystems.

Fellows are expected to promote freshwater science and help the FBA achieve its charitable objectives in ONE or more of the following ways:

  • Scientific research

  • Co-supervising Masters and PhD students

  • Facilitating research

  • Communicating science

  • Teaching

  • Advocating freshwater science and policies that promote the protection and conservation of freshwater ecosystems

  • Promoting the role of the FBA

  • Representing the FBA

Election as an FBA Fellow is initially for a period of 4-years, subject to undertaking the key duties above. It may be renewed for one or more further periods.

FBA Fellows promote freshwater science and help the FBA achieve its charitable objectives.

Black and white line illustration of algae

Our advocacy initiatives aim to increase awareness about local, national and international issues affecting freshwaters.

Our advocacy work has four principle aims:

  1. Increasing the public’s awareness of the critical importance of freshwater ecosystems for people and nature.

  2. Influencing policy makers and practitioners to drive better and faster outcomes for freshwaters.

  3. Engaging members and citizens to get involved in grassroots conservation action for freshwaters and the climate emergency.

  4. Providing specialist freshwater scientific advice for decision makers and stakeholders.

FBA’s Fellows play a key role in supporting our advocacy work through our Science Engagement Working Group.

No more than four Fellows affiliated to UK institutes or based in the UK will normally be elected in any one year.

Overseas Fellows may also be nominated but no more than one will normally be elected in any one year.

The candidacy of nominees not elected in their first year will be carried forwards for a maximum of four subsequent years.

Fellow nominations may be made by any two existing Fellows not affiliated with the nominee’s institution. This condition does not apply to candidates nominated by a retired Fellow from his or her previous institution. Fellows may not nominate more than two candidates in any one year. The FBA encourages nominations that increase the gender, ethnic and geographical diversity of the Fellowship.

Nominations can also be made by members of the FBA Board of Directors.

Candidates require a nominator and a seconder who should work together to prepare the application.

Activities of the fellowship are co-ordinated by a working group, chaired by John Murray-Bligh. Several sub-groups support the working group including Science Engagement, Early career / Overseas fellows, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and Events. These groups meet on an as needed basis.

Science and the FBA Fellowship

Fellows of the FBA are elected in recognition of their scientific excellence in freshwater ecology and/or their high-level contribution to the understanding and management of freshwater ecosystems.

Fellows should be contacted through FBA using our email info@fba.org.uk

FBA Fellows